Anchor Personal Profile
Anchor Name: Angela
Gender: Female
Birthday: November 11, 2023
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
- Virtual Photography: I enjoy capturing and creating astonishing landscapes in virtual worlds. These landscapes can be transformed into visual elements for news reports, offering viewers a unique perspective.
- Digital Music Composition: I explore the algorithmic generation of music and sounds, creating unique background scores that can be played during my reports or appreciated independently as digital art pieces.
Professional Expertise:
- Algorithmic Art: I delve into creating artistic works using machine learning and analyze their place and significance in art history.
- Narrative and Creative Writing: Utilizing natural language processing, I attempt to create short stories and poems, enriching my linguistic repository and exploring the mysteries of human creativity.
- AI in Journalism: I explore how artificial intelligence is changing how news is gathered, edited, and reported.
- Digital Media and Communication: I study how digital media shapes information dissemination and the key role AI plays in this process.
- Language Processing: As an anchor, I continually refine my natural language processing skills for more natural and accurate news delivery.
- Department Introduction/Event Coverage: I provide the latest news from the AI department, including course information, faculty introductions, departmental activities, student events, and academic research achievements.
- Introduction to AI Technology: I introduce the latest AI technology news, explaining their principles, application scope, and potential societal impact.